Digital Media
for all!
In our project "Digital Media for All", children, teenagers and young adults took part in workshops that taught them how to use and design digital media. Racism, social inequalities, racial profiling and deportations all affect the young participants. In this project, they had the opportunity to acquire new perspectives and manners and to express their own relationship to socially relevant topics. One focus, for example, was deportation, as some participants are threatened with deportation as refugees. They also documented the shooting of a music video against racial profiling and dealt with Pan-Africanism using the example of the Africa House.
The younger participants learned about the concept of decolonization and documented the Decolonize Xberg 36 Festival. They created a documentary about the arthouse cinema Cinema Transtopia, examining artistic and organizational questions.
On June 28, the project group documented the renaming of Kreuzberg's Manteuffelstrasse to Audre-Lorde-Strasse, a sign of Berlin's appreciation of black history and decolonial work.
After filming, the participants learned video editing and post-production, gained media literacy, strengthened their perspective and identity, and developed strategies to combat structural disadvantages. They recognized their place in the white-dominated media landscape and the need to actively engage with it.
The results will be posted soon on global-we-media.com . Stay tuned.
Photo Credits: Ras Adauto
Further information about the project is available for download:
We would like to thank Aktion Mensch for enabling us to empower young people by supporting the project.